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Best Looking Things to Eat in Dublin This Week: 07/06/22

Things to eat in and around Dublin from June 7 until June 12

We’ve collected some of the most delectable foods being sold in Dublin right now and compiled them into an extensive ol’ list. Here are five things in Dublin this week that we like the look of:


Caponata – Amuri

Amuri are the new Italians on the block. This new spot is about all things Italian but focuses on Sicily in particular. Here their Caponata is a flavour focused vegetarian dish that also happens to be the restaurant’s most authentic Sicilian offering. Get in.


Crudo of wild gilt head bream – Allta

What can’t you say about Allta? They have everything you could want of a meal. Their new summer menu has been sizzling all across Instagram. But this is the dish that has us drooling this week. The bream fillets are cured lightly, sliced thinly and dressed in an oil infused with its roasted bones. Perfect for the week that’s in it.


Steak and Cheese – Black Berry

You’d have to train long and hard to beat a steak sandwich at the lunch game. We’ve all heard of a Philly cheese steak. The things are myth and legend. Some say in their native Philadelphia, they are as coveted as the chicken fillet roll. Here you get to taste the cheesy goodness of the sandwich, with the quality only the Irish beef can bring. It’s the lunch you wish you had in your hand right now.


Tomato Salad – Orwell Road

Real honest to goodness, properly grown tomatoes are a pleasure you must taste to understand, with many being forgotten and written off after supermarket salad tomatoes did them dirty. Here Orwell Road may change your idea of what it is to taste a tomato. The dish is fresh and light but packed with flavour and texture. So get on top of getting a reservation before the season passes by.


Lasagne – Sprezzatura

Who knew you could make lasagne from anything other than ragu? Here the place that revolutionised fresh pasta for the masses comes in strong with an alt lasagne, perfect for the thrill-seekers among us. This dish is zucchini and ricotta topped with Durus Óg cheese sauce topped off with crispy zucchini. There will be queues to try this. I would get on it if I were you.

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