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Best Looking Things to Eat in Dublin This Week 08/08/23

Words: Shamim de Brún
Images: Instagram

Words: Shamim de Brún
Images: Instagram

Is it just us, or are summer dishes the sexiest-looking dishes?

We’ve consolidated all the best-looking bits into one handy article for your care and attention. So if you’re looking to eat in Dublin this week, then this is the list for you.



Savoury French Toast at Brother Hubbard Ranelagh

French toast is a gem but a savoury french toast is a rare one worth hopping on an aul luas for. When do you ever get to have the gluttonous eggy bread with an egg to dip it into giving you the ultimate best of both worlds for those of us who love French Toast but aren’t always down for the chocolate excess that can come with them. BH are always purveyors of quality so you know you’re in for a big savoury treat.


Hake – Loretta’s

Lorett’s is well known as a Dublin 7 Massive spot. Full of taste sensation and excellent wine pairings it serves up as much flavour as it does craic. This week you get to delve into a world of exquisite flavours and culinary artistry with the Roast Scallops, Ajo Blanco, and Smoked Almond dish. What could sound more inviting for the week that’s in it.


Tokri Chaat – Ruchii

Indulge in the Tokri Chaat experience this week if you’re out Blackrock way and you won’t regret it. The team at Ruchii takes our humble spuds and come out swinging with the Tokri Chaat – a fusion of cultures that transforms a potato into a desi street-food masterpiece.

Derived from the Hindi word for ‘basket’, the term “Tokri” encapsulates the essence of this little snacky. What it is, is a meticulously crafted potato basket, uniquely designed to hold a medley of chaat ingredients. The bite-size street food is perfect as a little aperitif with a glass of white wine. Do I need to tell you twice?


Bangers & Mash (but good) – Juno

It’s easy to write off bangers and mash as a dish. It’s got a shite name and a rake of sloppy childhood after-school lunches of mediocre quality to contend with. But the team behind Juno, who also have their fingers in pies at Crudo and Happy’s know how to make a meal inspired by nostalgia without being married to tradition. This is an elevated bad boy hit’s Colin Farrell Oscar nomination era level heights. Dismiss it at your peril. Get down to Dublin 7 and give it a go this week if you have the time. It’ll make for a great feed post flex as well as fill ya good and properly.


Wasabi Scallop – Amy Austin

We all know wasabi goes with fish but you never see it with scallops. Okay never is exclamatory, but it is rare, and worth a punt on. If this dish is as tasty as it looks then they’re on to a winner, and tbh how could it not be! Catch us there this week with a glass of vino in one hand and a table full of these fine scallops.

Elsewhere on CHAR: Why Are We So Obsessed with Lidl Protein Yoghurts?

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