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Food / July 26, 2021

17 common questions about the return of indoor drinking and dining

Food / July 26, 2021

17 common questions about the return of indoor drinking and dining

Words: Emily Mullen

Indoor drinking and dining resumes on Monday, July 26 we have answered some common questions about the return of indoor hospitality.

With the return of indoor drinking and dining commenced on Monday, July 26, we have collected a list of common questions that we ourselves have been asking about the return to indoor hospitality:


Do I need to book for indoor drinking and dining?

This varies from business to business, although the authorities are advising customers to plan their evenings ahead of time. Most businesses are advising customers to book beforehand, while many have allocated space for walk-ins this is typically limited. Best to check out the setup with the individual business.


Does the Covid Cert need to be online?

The Covid cert can be presented either online or in a physical format. There has as yet been no information given about whether a photograph of the physical cert can be accepted.


Can I enter without a vaccine cert?

Those who have recovered from Covid in the past 180 days (six months) and can show proof of this, can avail of indoor hospitality, alongside those who are fully vaccinated.


Do I need anything other than my vaccine cert?

You will need a form of ID, which businesses will be able to check your name against your vaccine cert/ proof of Covid recovery documentation. The form of ID has as yet not been specified, but any form of Government-issued identification should be accepted, if in doubt check with the specific businesses about what form of ID they will accept.


I only have one half of my vaccine, can I eat/drink indoors?

Unfortunately, you will need both vaccinations to enter indoor hospitality, unless you have received the J&J single-shot vaccine.


Who will be checking this?

Individual businesses will be checking for Covid certs or Covid recovery documentation at a designated point of entry into the establishment.


Can kids dine indoors?

Yes they can, minors do not need to have any proof of vaccination or Covid recovery documentation when accompanied by a parent or guardian.


Does every member of a party need to provide their information for contact tracing?

Only the lead customer will be required to provide their name and contact number to the business for contact tracing purposes.


How long can people sit at tables indoors?

There is no time limit on how long people can sit at a table, but the premises must be cleared by 11:30pm. However some businesses are enforcing their own time limits on tables, so check with the businesses themselves on what their in-house policy is.


How many people can sit at a table?

The six-person fixed limit has been removed, now up to 15 people [made up of six adults/teens and nine children], are allowed at a table.


Will there just be staff everywhere enforcing this?

Bars and restaurants will be required to have staff at all entrances of to their premises.


What happens if someone is visiting me from abroad, can we eat indoors?

If they are fully vaccinated in the EU, they should have the EU Digital COVID Certificate which is the same one circulated in Ireland. Visitors from outside of the EU that are fully vaccinated, will expected to show documentation issued by their relevant country.


What’s the story with ventilation, are businesses supposed to have specific guidelines in place?

Businesses are expected to adhere to health and safety guidelines improving ventilation, increasing airflow, air extraction systems and the use of CO2 monitors.


What if I enter a place and I don’t feel comfortable?

You are completely within your rights to leave the premises if you do not feel comfortable indoors.


Is it true that kids can only sit at tables that have more than two metres apart?

Draft guidelines currently state that children can sit at tables with less than two metres distance between them, as long as the business adheres to other safety protocols.


Are all pubs and restaurants opening indoors?

No, not all pubs and restaurants are opening for indoor hospitality. This decision has been left entirely on each individual business.


Why aren’t all pubs and restaurants reopening for indoor hospitality?

Each business has their own reason for opening indoors or not, many businesses are concerned about young staff members who have as yet partially or not yet been vaccinated. Others are finding the criteria too rigid to staff particularly the stipulation that each entrance to the premises must be monitored at all times, while others are waiting to see how other businesses open up before they invest their time and resources,

Elsewhere on District: What Dublin restaurants are opening for indoor dining? We’ve collected a list