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#7: Top 5 best looking things to eat in Dublin this week

“Lovely day, lovely day, love that day”- Bill Withers

After the warmest weekend of the year, with blue skies and temperatures in the double digits, the whole country let out a collective sigh when Monday rolled around. Monday held a sluggish feeling for many, and a dejectedness that can only come following too many hours of having fun in the sun. Officials woke up with an even bigger headache than everyone else, faced with images and videos of city streets strewn with rubbish. Instead of drinking some Lucozade and eating some paracetamol, some got up on some soapboxes to make some pretty outlandish statements about bins and jacks. This latest twist in the tale of Summer 2021 is making us look to the opening of outdoor drinking and dining with even more enthusiasm. In the meantime, here are five Dublin businesses that are doing something a little different this week:


Happy Endings’s Scotch Egg Wonton

Just to be clear, anything placed inside a wonton is bound to be delicious, but putting a scotch egg in one changes the game. While I would worry that there would be one too many layers of crispiness with the combination of the wonton wrapper and scotch egg exterior, but what’s life without a little risk? These aren’t any old scotch eggs either, the traditional pork has been ditched for a prawn filling. This special wonton is the first of Happy Endings’ new dishes in their new home in Aston Quay, which they moved to last week. For more information on their Scotch Egg Wonton visit their Instagram account.


Noshington Cafe’s Raspberry Wagon Wheel

Nathan Carter fans look no further than the Noshington Cafe, who have created a biscuit in the country music star’s honour, calling it the ruby raspberry wagon wheel biscuit. The biscuit promises to rock your momma any way you feel, layers of biscuit are slotted between a marshmallow and raspberry centre, which is dipped in ruby chocolate and topped with dried raspberries. The team based out in Dublin 8 have a pretty healthy selection of other sweets on offer, like the gold snickers, baklava and their take on an Oreo cookie. Follow them on Instagram for more information.


Forest Avenue’s Sourdough Focaccia

It could be all the alcohol leaving the system after the weekend, but Forest Avenue’s Sourdough Focaccia looks good enough to have a little cry over. The crust looks like a beautifully potholed road, one misstep and you fall into a beautifully bready clag. It’s perfectly unsymmetrical edges just makes you want to pick it up with both hands and gnaw on a corner of it. Best to get in early if you want to get your hands on the Focaccia (or any other of Forest Avenue’s baked goods) because they sell out quick. Follow them on Instagram for more information.


Social Fabric Cafe’s Striploin Steak Sandwich

If one thing is capable of perking up a sunny Monday spent working indoors it’s Social Fabric Cafe’s Striploin Steak Sandwich. A soft roll hugs layers of perfectly cooked striploin, with mushroom and caramelised onion layered on top, there’s also a healthy layer of cheese stocking everything together. You can find Social Fabric Cafe out in Stoneybatter, follow them on Instagram for more information.


Urbanity’s Wibbly Wobbly Wonder

Each Summer, we are cruelly reminded that Wibbly Wobbly Wonders are no more. That most beloved of ice cream, just vanished without even a sticky-fingered wave goodbye. Thanks to the work of Urbanity they are allowing us a little slice of nostalgia. Their take on a Wibbly Wobbly Wonder is definitely more refined than the original, made with yuzu jelly, vanilla ice cream, chocolate biscuit dipped in white and ruby chocolate.⁣⁣ The ice cream is specially made for Urbanity’s popup takeaway Sips ‘n Sandos in collaboration with WineMason which is happening Friday, June 4th, visit their Instagram for more information.


Elsewhere on District: Last Supper Dublin 003, Caitríona Devery