5 Best Cocktails in Dublin to Enjoy on International Tequila Day

Words: Hannah Lemass
Images: Instagram & George Voronov

Many of you may gag at the thought of tequila. Too many shots of the cheap stuff on a bad night out during your first year’s Freshers Week literally left a bad taste in your mouth. But tequila does not deserve such a bad rap. It makes me sad to see the visceral reaction of disgust on people’s faces at the mere mention of tequila. It’s not supposed to be a shot, really. It should be sipped and savoured. We need to treat tequila with the same respect that we treat our own cherished Irish whiskey.

Today is Tequila Day, the perfect opportunity to put your prejudices from previous bad experiences aside and give tequila the reverence and dignity it deserves. Give it a chance. Don’t worry, we’re not asking you to jump straight to tequila on the rocks or tequila sodas (although don’t knock it till you try it). Instead, we’ve put together a curated list of delicate and innovative cocktails from some of the top masters of mixology the city has to offer. Once you try them, you’ll be a tequila convert. But let’s take it easy and drink responsibly. We don’t want a repeat of Freshers Week, do we?

Elsewhere on Char: CHAR’s Ultimate Food Guide – Cocktails