General News / April 13, 2023

Dublin on a Tenner: Fallon & Byrne

Focaccia from Fallon & Byrne
General News / April 13, 2023

Dublin on a Tenner: Fallon & Byrne


Look, we know it’s a struggle at the minute. We’re not even two full weeks into January and our wallets are looking thirstier than an aul fella at the bar. We’re here to help you navigate this frugal time with our cheapskate guide to eating in Dublin without further breaking the bank. We’ll be covering all courses — breakfast, lunch and fucking dinner, to quote Colin Farrell.

Today, we’re starting off with Fallon & Byrne. Known for its high-end prices and fare, not as much is said about its reasonable lunch offerings. This is the spot when you need to grab a quick city-centre bite on your lunch break, and still get some change back.

Got a recommendation for us that’s cheap as, well, chips? Watch the video then hit us up with your recs in the comments below, using the tag #TENEUROBABY